Marcela is a business consultant and strategist that enables people and organizations to think differently. She focuses on insightful questioning and creative thinking for achieving transformation and growth.

After working as a corporate lawyer for 30 years she decided to change paths. She developed a method that enables getting to the bottom of who the client really is, and what is it they truly want and need.

Marcela’s extensive experience and expertise in leadership, organizational development and change management enable her to provide a unique and personalized approach to help individuals and organizations unlock their full potential. She approaches her work by prioritizing insightful questioning and creative thinking, working collaboratively with her clients to develop personalized strategies that are not only effective but also sustainable. This approach leads to a transformation in the client’s thinking process and perspective, resulting in a significant shift in their viewpoint and in making better decisions.

In addition to her consulting practice and based on her conviction on the value of collaboration and interpersonal exchange, she acts as Chair in Vistage. (*Vistage is a U.S based company, present in 35 countries and with over 45.000 members that brings together CEOs and key executives with the purpose of helping them improve the performance of the companies, their leadership and their personal life).

When not working with her clients, she loves reading, travelling or meeting up with friends to enjoy life.

After working as a corporate lawyer for 30 years she decided to change paths. She developed a method that enables getting to the bottom of who the client really is, and what is it they truly want and need.

Marcela’s extensive experience and expertise in leadership, organizational development and change management enable her to provide a unique and personalized approach to help individuals and organizations unlock their full potential. She approaches her work by prioritizing insightful questioning and creative thinking, working collaboratively with her clients to develop personalized strategies that are not only effective but also sustainable. This approach leads to a transformation in the client’s thinking process and perspective, resulting in a significant shift in their viewpoint and in making better decisions.

In addition to her consulting practice and based on her conviction on the value of collaboration and interpersonal exchange, she acts as Chair in Vistage. (*Vistage is a U.S based company, present in 35 countries and with over 45.000 members that brings together CEOs and key executives with the purpose of helping them improve the performance of the companies, their leadership and their personal life).

Recognitions and Awards

  • Lifetime Achievement Award (Latin Lawyer)
  • Best Mentoring Lawyer of the Year (Chambers Women in Law Awards Latin America)
  • Inspiring woman in Law (Latin Lawyer)
  • Best Corporate Lawyer in Latin America (Euromoney America`s Women in Business Law Awards)


  • Vistage (Chair)
  • Endavor (Mentor)
  • International Bar Association (Latin American Regional Forum Advisory Board Member)
  • Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice (Member of the Lawyers Council for Civil and Economic Rights in America)


  • Program in Leading Professional Service Firm (Harvard Business School)
  • Program in Foreign Law; Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law (Columbia University, N.Y.)
  • Academy of American and International Law (The Center for American and International Law, Dallas, Texas.)
  • Mediadora/Conciliadora (Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje, Cámara Nacional de Comercio)
  • Digital Acceleration (Hyper Island)
  • Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay)

All Images c Marcela Hughes

All Images c Marcela Hughes