“It’s amazing how, contrary to what one might think, brilliant minds and experienced people, when confronted with certain situations or questions, realize that there are many that they are not able to answer, that things are not as clear as they thought they were, or that there is something they did not think, a point of view they did not consider.”


What I like doing

I specialize in providing strategy, business, and service design consulting services to professionals and companies. My main goal is to offer guidance and support that enables clients to make better decisions. My work is fueled by a deep passion for the impact of digital transformation in the business world. I help companies to adopt and adapt to changes to stay competitive and innovative in a world that is becoming increasingly open and collaborative.


Why I like doing it

I strongly believe that the key to success lies in the purpose for and by which we work. People, including employees, customers, and stakeholders, are the heart and engine of any business. As someone with a creative mindset and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I am always eager to learn new things. I prioritize user experience because I believe it is critical to business success. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my own experiences and ideas with others.


How I do it

Throughout my career, I have developed a procedural framework that enables me to achieve my goals effectively. This method is also beneficial when working with clients as it allows me to uncover their true interests, beyond their stated positions, and helps them identify what is truly essential to achieve their objectives. By taking this approach, I am able to provide a fresh perspective and help clients think differently. My methodology is designed to get to the heart of the matter and prioritize what is truly important.

Marcela combines analytical and intuitive elements, to create a process that will help her clients think differently.

As a consultant Marcela`s role is to help her clients identify and define their current situation, requiring an in-depth analysis of their challenges. She examines the situation from all angles, including the non-obvious needs that may arise, and sometimes helps clients change their mindset to redirect their focus towards innovation.

Once a clear understanding of the situation is reached, Marcela assists her clients in setting their goals, identifying the different variables and pathways to achieve their objectives, and guides them through the decision-making process. She analyses the variables of following plan A or plan B and accompanies clients in designing an action plan. During the implementation process, Marcela assists clients in identifying their need to change and adapt when necessary.

Finally, she helps clients evaluate the results in a tangible and measurable way, ensuring that they achieve their desired outcomes. In short, Marcela`s role is to be a supportive partner throughout the entire process, from analysis to implementation and evaluation, helping clients achieve their objectives in the most effective way possible.

All Images c Marcela Hughes

All Images c Marcela Hughes